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Paper Chain Creations - The Story.

My journey in the sweet world started at the age of 9. My father gave me a kids party planning book so I could organise my 10th birthday party. Little did I know that would spark a lifelong career. My dad however takes all the credit for it!

I started planning food, games and of course decorations. I decided I was going to make paper chains, lots of them. I would sit on weekends and cut and staple metres of paper chains, I was obsessed. That party was the first time I decorated a cake. I caught the cake decorating bug. When I was thinking of a name for my new business I knew it needed to involve paper chains.

Over the years I continued baking and decorating cakes. There was lots of learning, lots of YouTube and a lot of late nights. In 2015 I decorated my first fondant cookie and I was in love. The 3D printing of cookie cutters started after I made a promise to a customer to have cookies matching her invitations and didn’t have enough time to order from another supplier.

I love to say that I am a lazy cookie decorator, I like to work smarter not harder. My cookie cutters and embossers reflect that, my 6 years as a full time cookie decorator give me the insight into what designs will work and which are too hard basket.


Paper Chain Creations